Support B'Town Jazz

Corporate Sponsorship



As a non-profit organization we rely upon the generosity of individuals and local businesses to support our live performances, education and community programs.

Your donations help B’Town Jazz support and expand the education of young jazz students and advance the awareness of jazz among young music audiences and the community at large. To see and hear how our generous sponsors support B’Town Jazz, visit the Learn and Watch & Listen sections of the website! In particular, funds from donations and sponsorships are used to pay performers, rent space and equipment, and advertise events, etc. in order to bring free and low-cost jazz events to Bloomington, Indiana. A small amount goes toward general expenses such as web hosting and insurance.

Contributions will support the annual Jazz Fest, as well as programs such as Jazz Jams and the Future of Jazz concert, Jazz Masters in the Schools, and Taste of Bloomington. The John Lawson Memorial Fund is used to help bring special guest artists or groups to the annual Jazz Fest, in memory of John Lawson, former B’Town Jazz board member and jazz enthusiast. Please add a note when donating to contribute specifically to this fund.

To us, all donors are sponsors, whether businesses or individuals, and contributions over $50 or $100, depending on the program, will be acknowledged on our website, social media, etc.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!

Donation/Sponsorship levels:

• $2,000 or more: Platinum

• $1,000 – $1999: Gold

• $500 – $999: Silver

• $100 – $499: Bronze

• under $100: Donor

Alternate and in-kind donations may be possible. Bring us your ideas!


Have questions or want to discuss sponsoring a B’Town Jazz event?

Contact any board member or email for more information.

Donate online

PayPal will process your donation. (You do not need to have a PayPal account; credit cards can be used as well.)

Look carefully for the opportunity to “Add a note” (or just email us) to tell us how you’d like your name or your business’ name to be listed in acknowledgements.


Donate by check

B’Town Jazz
PO Box 6831
Bloomington, IN 47407